Dorsey, Joshua
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Joshua Dorsey offers a practical, contemporary perspective on marketing and its impact upon society. Professionally, he has worked for ADT Security Services and Vidant Medical Center, in multiple sales and customer relationship capacities. His primary areas of research interest are transformative consumer issues, marketing & public policy, and consumer financial well-being. Currently, he is focused upon issues of price and consumer financial decision-making, specifically within the healthcare context. Dorsey's past research has included issues of mindfulness (and its potential to positively transform consumer experiences), consumer rage in retail settings (aisle rage), the promotion of sustainable/green behaviors, the regulation of school nutritional standards, and food anti-consumption behaviors. Dorsey earned his Ph.D. at West Virginia University.
Areas of Knowledge:
- healthcare
- financial decision-making
- consumer cognitions
- consumer emotions
- public policy
- Business
- Healthcare -- Public Health
- Interpersonal Skills
- Marketing
- Psychology